Break-ups seriously suck. So spare a thought for poor old Apollo Jackson who had to share his most vulnerable moment with the ENTIRE NATION during the semi-finals of The Bachelorette Australia, 2017 tonight.
But even in heartbreak, the 24-year-old is gracious and wise beyond his years. Not once did he have a bad word to say about the woman he could so easily picture a future with.
In this exclusive exit chat, the nation’s new favourite magician/singer talks to us about getting over Sophie Monk, why he’s still single and what’s next!
Apollo Jackson, 24, magician
Talk us through your last date and that final rose ceremony. What do you think went wrong?
It was so nerve-wracking. I don’t think I’ve ever been that nervous in my life.
We had this amazing date! I got taken on a horse and carriage ride, we had a private opera performance overlooking the Blue Mountains and it was just breath-taking.
Then we were sitting down having a serious chat and I just got so nervous. I couldn’t string a sentence together! Heading into the rose ceremony, I was pretty confident in the connection Sophie and I had but I was really nervous because of the chat. Unfortunately I was sent home, which was heartbreaking.
Were there any red flags during your deep and meaningful chat that made you think you’d blown it?
I just remember being nervous and when I’m nervous I struggle to put a sentence together!
How heartbroken were you to get so close to that future with Sophie?
I was pretty gutted because it’s hard for me to meet someone who’s so on par with me. With Sophie, I just felt so comfortable around her and we just bounce off each other.
Coming from similar industries, we have this child-like fun side to us.
It was really heartbreaking. I was trying so hard to just hold the tears in and in the end I just couldn’t.

Their last date was magical but Apollo says his nerves got the better of him.
What was the first thing you did when you got home? Did you just go to bed and have a little cry?
Yeah! I went and got some food and binged on pizza and had a little bit of a cry at home.
What’s been helping you through the heartbreak?
Family and just getting back to the stuff that I do. Magic and music has always been my therapy! Just getting back into that and spending time with family and friends.
Were your family upset for you? We bet Grandma Ellie was fuming!
Grandma was the same as me. At the end of the day, you just want Sophie to be happy. Sophie’s made the best decision for her.
Relive the moment Grandma Ellie ripped into Sophie! Post continues after the video…
Has it been hard watching the episodes back and seeing Sophie get close to the other guys?
That’s something you know will happen. Heading into this, you prepare yourself before going into this experience. It’s funny but it’s not as crazy as you think it might be.
You guys insisted the age gap wasn’t relevant but in the end, that’s one of the reasons she broke up with you. Were you satisfied with her explanation for sending you home?
Yeah, it was a really beautiful explanation actually. She basically said that I was too young and I still want a life where I can travel and keep pursuing the things that I do. She said that she wants to settle down and have kids really soon! And that was more of a three to five year plan for me.
But it was really beautiful! She gave me these beautiful words of encouragement and said, ‘I want you to get out there and chase these things you do! I know you’re really shy and but you’re talented. I want you to get out there and do it.’
The 13-year age gap play must have played on your mind, especially towards the end?
Yeah, it did a little bit. Look, I think it was just the age gap in regards to the kid thing. As you know, I’ve been through a lot of life experiences! I’ve had more life experiences than most 80-year-old’s.
I think that’s what it came down to… different stages.

“She gave me these beautiful words of encouragement.”
Regardless of the gap, you and Sophie did have such a great connection! What was it about her that you liked?
It’s just amazing that someone was so real and down-to-earth. She’s got this amazing side that just makes you feel so comfortable around her. She’s got this bubbly personality as well…
She’s got this kid-like side which I have as well so we can be silly and take the mickey out of each other. Yeah, there was just so much! Plus she’s a really kind person, too.
She always makes people feel good wherever she goes and that’s just part of her nature of who she is.
How do you feel about Sophie now?
I still admire all those qualities in her. She’s made the best choice for her and I’m super happy for that. In no way has this situation tarnished what I think of her.
I still look up to her as an amazing woman. She’s an amazing human being!
We need to ask you about your new song Addiction ! When is it dropping and what can we expect from it?
It’s super weird that it’s only come out [that I do music] this last week. I’ve been singing and writing songs for longer than I’ve been doing magic. I used to sing at pubs!
It’s a song that I wrote just coming out of my heart attack. It’s a feel-good song about being addicted to life. I’d come out of a bad run of depression, I’d had a heart attack and I wrote this song. It’s like a celebration.

Is the timing of the single coinciding with Bachelorette finale just a coincidence or strategic?
I never had the confidence to release it and at the start of the year I had a bunch of friends get together and say, ‘Look! You’ve got to get this song out. It’s really nice, it’s really inspiring.’
So at the start of the year I was like, OK! I’m going to knuckle down and do this song and a percentage of the profits will go towards supporting mental health. Obviously with going to America and going on the show has put everything on stand-by but it will be ready in the next four weeks, which will be great!
Were there any important scenes between you and Sophie that didn’t make it to air?
There were some beautiful chats that didn’t make it.
One of the things was the whole idea behind doing the natural horsemanship on her home visit was that Sophie has a fear of horses so I wanted to help her overcome that fear. Also with the equine therapy it helps to relax and centre you, so I thought it would relax her before meeting the family.
What about living in the Bachie mansion? You’re so level-headed and calm, how did you cope in that crazy environment?
In between all the craziness, cooking is one of my favourite things to do to unwind so I would cook dinner for everyone every night. That’s how I would relax myself.
What was your go-to meal to please the boys?
I love making a good stir-fry.

Doga will go down as one of our fave Bachie moments!
Last year your predicted the top three Melbourne Cup horses so you’re better experienced than any bookie to pick Soph’s final man, who do you think will win?
It’s a pretty close race this one! I think it will be closer than last Melbourne Cup!
They’ve both got amazing qualities, that’s what makes it really hard! You’ve got Jarrod who is this really strong, protective guy. He goes way out of his way to make sure everyone is feeling comfortable and looks after them. He’s also got a great sense of humour as well.
Then you’ve got Stu who is this absolute larrikin, heart of gold! He’s a super nice guy who is very well established in his life. I think it’s going to be a neck-and-neck race til the end.
Who do you think she’ll pick?
I’ve got no idea! That’s the million-dollar question.
Hmm, for someone who can predict the future that’s an interesting response… What about Sophie and her man – do you think you could be friends with them?
I think with the connection that I have with Sophie, how comfortable and relaxed it was, there was always that basis of her just being amazing to hang out with. I’m definitely open to friendship.
WATCH: The heartbreaking moment Sophie sends Apollo home. Post continues…

He can read into the future but he can’t predict the winner?!
What about finding your own #1, are you seeing anyone special since the show wrapped?
No! Since the show’s finished I just came back straight to family. I’ve been catching up on work and hanging with family. I haven’t been out at all. I’m still 100% open to meeting that special someone I could fall in love with and share an exciting life with.
There’s been reports this week that rumoured winner Stu was seeing someone else behind Sophie’s back, do you think he’d really do this to her?
I don’t think Stu would, no! He’s a very black and white guy.
Australia has fallen head over heels in love with you and are already campaigning for your return as The Bachelor – would you be open to it?
I’d be open to being the next Bachelor. Like I said, I’m still looking for love and people have already got a glimpse of me so I think the right girls would go on the show.
WATCH: Apollo works his magic on a fork. Post continues…
If that falls through, what about Ninja Warrior? We think you’d be a shoe-in.
(Laughs) I don’t know how I’d go on Ninja Warrior! We’ll see.
Time for a really serious question Apollo. Can you please tell us how you bent that fork?
Magic! That’s all I can say. I did it magically.
You’ve had such an incredible life at just 24! What’s next for you?
We’re heading into corporate Christmas party season now so it’s my busiest time of year [doing magic.] In between events like Supanova and a few other publicity events, I’ll just be doing the corporate Christmas party scene. It’s my favourite time of year because everyone is in such a good mood and I can be part of that and just have fun!