A Mississippi woman is facing a life sentence over the death of Ernest Smith, who is the third husband she has been suspected of killing.
Nicknamed the ‘Black Widow’, 52-year-old Emma Raine is currently standing trial for the shooting death of Smith, who prosecutors suggest was murdered in a plot to claim a life insurance fund. Smith is the third husband that Raine has been suspected of killing.
Raine’s first husband, Leroy Evan, died under ‘mysterious circumstances’ in 1994. After being hit by a car in ’93, police confirmed that Evans had choked to death after his feeding tube was removed. Raine was never charged with anything.

Ernest Smith, Raine’s second husband, whose death Raine is currently charged with, was shot to death by a shooter, Alfred Everette, who was convicted of his murder in 2014. However during Everette’s trial, he confessed he had been promised a $10,000 reward for shooting Smith, at the order of Emma and James Raine.
The third husband, James Raine, died in 2011. His death was called suspicious by police, who linked Emma Raine between the two.
Raine has plead guilty to the charges and District Judge Tracey Flemings-Devallier has already begun court proceedings.