
When My Husband Does The Dishes

When My Husband Does The Dishes

When My Husband Does The Dishes by Kerri Sackville, Ebury, $32.95.

Billed as what marriage looks like after three children and 150 years of togetherness, this memoir will have you giggling all the way to the laundry basket.

Kerri Sackville is a 40-something wife, mother and writer. While she loves her husband The Architect, admiring his immense wit and intellect, there are many more practical elements of their marriage she takes issue with — elements that will ring clanging bells with wives and mothers out there.

For example, would twin beds be more conducive to a night of genuine slumber? Does being married have to mean no flirting with other men? And have I really made noodles with melted cheese for dinner?

Pricking the balloon of “supermumdom”, Sackville takes us through the common but plainly ridiculous familial situations she finds herself in on a daily basis.

Mundane, certainly, but also pretty funny.

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