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Sam Wood’s view on body image is what every woman needs to remember when they look in the mirror

This is beyond refreshing.
Sam Wood

Sure, Sam Wood is almost as well known for his ab-tastic rig as he is for his long-celebrated stint on The Bachelor Australia) (when he chose Snezana Markoski, we ugly-cried hard into our popcorn…). But as this personal trainer proves, you can’t be all rock-hard rig 24/7.

And, to be honest, we’re here for it.

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Taking to Instagram to share a very candid serious of shirtless pecs, ahem, pics, Sam shows that one minute your body can look as defined as a Greek Adonis – the next, you can look like we all do after downing half a litre of Jaffa-flavoured ice-cream…

Captioning the post, the 28 by Sam Wood founder wrote:

“This is 2 photos of me taken 5 seconds apart!” he began.

“Don’t get caught up in what other people look like. Photos you see on instagram and other social platforms are not a real representation of what people look like.”

He then went on to talk about the “art” of Instagram fit-ography – not only that, but the detrimental impact it can have on all of us.

“Lighting, posture, a different angle and every other trick in the book are used,” he continued.

“If it inspires then it can be a good thing. If it creates an unrealistic comparison or body of desire that affects your feeling of self then it is unhealthy.”

“Be aware of others but not fixated. Spend that time and energy progressing every day and work on being the healthy, happy, best version of YOU!”

The expectant dad is not only about promoting positive body image, but he is one seriously loved-up romantic.

Again hitting up Instagram to reveal his adoration for Snezana and her growing baby bump, these are just a few of the beautiful things Sam has said about his love for his wife-to-be.

“You are carrying our beautiful child and it just melts my heart…”

“This incredible woman… somehow manages to be more beautiful each week she is pregnant…”

“Oh, could she look any more beautiful? #glowing #growing”

“When she loves you nearly as much as she loves the fridge…”

We can’t wait until their little bundle of Bachie arrives!

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