In the time it takes you to read this sentence, one Australian will need a lifesaving blood donation.
Every 24 seconds, someone in need will require your help by the means of a blood donation to survive, and coming to their rescue has never been easier.
1 in 3 Aussies will need blood donation in their lifetime, but sadly, 1 out of 30 donates, we were shocked to say the least.
But when we learnt just how easy it is to become a silent superhero, well we booked an appointment!
If you’ve always put donating blood at the bottom of your to-do list, here are five very important reasons why you should fast-track that item to the very top.

4% of all blood donations will be used for obstetrics and new mums experiencing childbirth.
1. Donating blood is good for you
Recent research has discovered that donating blood regularly can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, those who donate bi-yearly were 88% less likely to suffer a heart attack due to the lowering of iron levels in the body.
2. Your blood can be used up to 22 different ways
Over one third of all donations will go towards treating someone with cancer, but you might be surprised to discover that your blood can be made into 22 different medical treatments.
From helping new mothers get through birth, to a patient undergoing open heart surgery.

Josh Duhamel is Red Cross ready!
3. It’s quick and easy
One hour from walking through the door, and you will be back in the fresh air will a proud smile on your face.
Of course, the actual donating process only takes 5-10 minutes, but your appointment will include a quick interview, a blood pressure check and a haemoglobin test.
After donating, you will enjoy a drink and a snack while you rest and think about all the lives you’re saving.
4. It is safe and free to give blood
In case you have any concerns about your own safety, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service is renowned as one of the safest blood suppliers across the globe.
A staff member will keep a close eye on you throughout the process and a donation of 470mL is less than 10% of the average human’s total blood volume, so you should feel little to no side effects other than an immense feeling of satisfaction and joy.

You will be notified upon saving a life!
5. You will be alerted when you save a life
A new initiate from The Australian Red Cross will send donors a text message the moment their blood is being used in hospitals.
Imagine feeling your phone buzz on a dreary old Monday, and looking down to discover that the hour you spent giving blood last week, has now saved the life of someone in need.
If that doesn’t put a smile on your dial, nothing will!
Click here to find out more and book your appointment today!