It was a clash of villains tonight on The Bachelor as Jen Hawke and Liz Duncan went head-to-head in the dreaded two-on-one date.
Yep, as soon as Osher Gunsberg announced that it was an elimination date, we knew something was about to go down and so did Jen, “Straight away as soon as [Liz’s] name was called, I was like, ‘crap, it’s me’ and I burst into tears,” Jen revealed to NW exclusively.
We don’t blame her!
“At that point it wasn’t even, ‘Oh my god, I’m going home’ it was ‘Oh my god, Matty actually wants to contemplate getting rid of me,’” shares Jen.

Jen getting close with Matty!
What’s more, the other Bachie babes were ready to see them both go.
Yep, the claws were out as soon as Jen turned her back.
“It turns out that once I actually go on this date my friends throw me under the bus. It was pretty nasty,” the 27-year-old admits, before claiming Elora Murger was the ultimate back-stabber.
“Elora was like, ‘I hope neither of them come back’” dishes Jen. “At that point we were friends, so when I found that out, I was like, ‘you b—h.’”

Elora wants Matty to herself!
But things were certainly looking rosy for Jen when Liz got the boot.
“It’s really, really funny because Matty’s like, ‘I decided to send Liz home’ and I’m like having this Georgia Love moment. I’m like, ‘Oh, he’s going to do a Georgia Love on me and send us both home,’” Jen shares.
Luckily for Jen, the only girl being sent home on this date was Liz.
“He did let it linger for a bit so I would sweat,” Jen revealed of the moment.
“Because Matty J knows I’m very cocky and he actually thinks I’m this overtly confident, boarding on cocky person so he does like to put me in my place,” she joked.