Netflix has just announced a new feature that will make it easier than ever for users to share the TV shows and movies they’re loving with friends.
Adding to the lengthy list of sharing apps (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, regular old-school messaging), Netflix has confirmed that users can now share the titles they’re loving straight to Instagram Stories.
“We’re always on the lookout for ways to make it easier for members to share the Netflix titles they’re obsessing about and help them discover something new to watch,” a Netflix spokesperson says. “We hope our members enjoy this new feature!”

So, if you’ve ever watched a new show that you just HAD to tell everyone about (Bodyguard starring Richard Madden, for example) now all you have to do is click a button and all of your friends will know what you recommend. Like At the Movies with Margaret and David, only this is On My Instagram Stories with… you.
Here’s a step by step guide from Netflix (with pictures below) to sharing to Instagram Stories:
Step 1: Navigate to any title on the iPhone Netflix app and tap share.
Step 2: Select “Instagram Stories” from a list of apps, and be taken directly to Instagram Stories where they can have some fun with the title’s background art and text sticker.
Step 3: When ready, they’re able to post directly to their stories or send directly to one or more friends’ DMs.
Step 4: Friends and followers can click on the link in the story to view the title on the Netflix iPhone app.

Step one: Navigate to any title on the iPhone Netflix app and tap share.

Step two: Select “Instagram Stories” from a list of apps, and be taken directly to Instagram Stories where they can have some fun with the title’s background art and text sticker.

Step three: When ready, they’re able to post directly to their stories or send directly to one or more friends’ DMs.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to turn my Instagram Stories into a personal Netflix reviewing platform.