While Scott Cam is primarily recognised for his role hosting Channel Nine’s most successful renovation series, The Block there is something else he is known for – being a family man.
Despite his popularity, Scotty has maintained a relatively lowkey life with his family.

Scotty keeps his family life very private. (Credit: Instagram)
While he will often share photos of special moments with his three children, Charlie and twins Bill and Sarah. But other than these rare glimpses into Scotty’s family life, there isn’t much else we know about them.
However, we have done a deep dive to figure out what little we can about the hosts notoriously private family.
We hit quite the roadblock when all three children were private on Instagram, however Scotty’s daughter Sarah works at media publication, Pedestrian TV.

It seems The Block host knows how to balance work and life. (Credit: Instagram)
Sarah is also a cocktail lover, as we believe she owns a personal Instagram blog where she shares her favourite drinks for everyone to love.
According to Bill’s Facebook account, the twins were born in September in 1999, making them 25-years-old.
However, its unclear when Charlie was born in 1996 but oh my does he look exactly like his dad!
In May 2022, Scotty shared photos from all three of his children graduating from university.
“Proud parents today, first son has graduated from uni with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering with First Class Honours and Bachelor of Business with Distinction. My heart is full,” he wrote under the image with Charlie.
Meanwhile, for Bill and Sarah’s tribute post, he wrote: “Now it’s the twins turn to graduate. Bill and Sarah, congratulations on finishing your Bachelor degrees with flying colours. My heart is now officially overflowing!!!”.
Continue scrolling to see all the heartwarming and rare images of Scotty with his children.

For Scotty’s 62nd birthday, the family gathered for a very special weekend trip. This photo with his son Bill caught our eye!
“Had a beautiful birthday weekend with all my family In the bush,” he captioned the pictures.

These were incredibly “proud parents’ while watching their children graduate from university.
“My heart is full,” he wrote.

Sarah graduated from her bachelors degree where Scotty admitted his heart was “officially overflowing.”

Bill also graduated alongside his twin.

Even Scotty’s dog, Frankie joined the boys for a drink! However we’ll admit, Frankie goes everywhere his dad goes.
“My boys visiting Frankie and I in Melbourne. Beers and a punt at the pub, what a ripping day,” Scott wrote.

The family reunited for a “wonderful” Father’s Day in September 2022.

“Another great afternoon at the best spot in Milton,” Scotty wrote on Instagram.

Scotty shared this adorable black and white photo with his children before he headed off to Melbourne to film The Block 2023.

Scotty gathered with his three children for Father’s Day 2023, where he gave a shout out to all the dads and his kids.
“Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. Remember we are living in our kids memories. I’m very lucky that my kids are beautiful people,” he captioned the cute picture on Instagram.