He’s getting closer to finding his leading lady, and on Wednesday night’s episode of The Bachelor Australia, Richie Strahan left two contestants roseless on his quest for eternal love.
The remaining ten beauties were well and truly put through their paces with a compatibility test, which saw Faith come out in the top spot. Intruder Steph laded an adventurous single date with the pair enjoying a jetski ride.
Steph and Faith were both given roses. Unfortunately bacon lover Noni and horse enthusiast Khalia were left without a flower to nibble on, and asked to say their goodbyes.
We caught up with the lovely ladies to debrief on their time in the house.
How was the overall experience?
It was crazy! It was probably one of the greatest experiences of my life. Obviously it’s not normal to be chucked in with so many girls. We had our ups and downs – kinda like a sorority house. You can’t really explain it unless you’ve been in there!
What was the toughest thing?
You’re taking away everything that is normal for you – We didn’t have our phones or contact with loved ones. That was really hard, especially when you were upset.
How did you feel when Richie sent you home?
At the time, I was expecting it. I’d seen so many connections formed. When I was sent home, I was OK with it. It was my time – we both mutually agreed with it. We both seem to have more of a friendship than a relationship. I think we friend-zoned each other but it was all good fun! Lots of girls had strong feelings for him and I didn’t have them.

We will certainly miss Noni in the Bach Pad!

The bubbly bacon enthusiast was a girl after our own heart, but it simply wasn’t meant to be for her and the rope technician.
Who do you think will win?
I think Nikki will win. She’s a WA girl and she’s very easy, breezy and beautiful!
Have you found love since leaving the show?
No, still single! Finding life a bit hectic right now. I went over to Bali straight after the show. So I haven’t found anyone yet, but who knows!
Watch the moment bachelor babe Noni revealed her love of bacon! Post continues after video…
What did you think of Richie when you first met him?
I thought he seemed like a good guy and probably a bit nervous.
Did he give you any indication of what kind of girls he likes? Did he give you any particular compliments?
He mentioned something about my smile. I didn’t get any impression from him on what he likes. I think he likes down-to-earth kind of girls.
Is there anything about you that you wished Richie had got to know or got to know differently?
If I was in a different environment then he would have seen more of my witty or humorous side which wasn’t expressed in that environment.
What was your favourite moment in the Bachelor experience?
Probably watching him do the compatibility test. He had to navigate an obstacle course – that was quite entertaining.

Khalia’s time in the Bachelor mansion was short and sweet.

The student was the first to leave from the three intruders.
Who was your best friend in the house and why?
I would probably say Nikki, we were quite similar in a lot of ways. She was a lovely girl, down to earth and easy going – all those kind of qualities I admire.
Do you still believe in love?
Yes definitely! I think there is someone out there for everyone it is just a matter of crossing paths with them.
Who do you think is going to win?
I’ll have to go with my bestie Nikki.
Get to know Khalia in the video player below!