The 29-year-old, who freelances as a topless waiter for Brisbane’s Hunks for Hire, isn’t shy when it comes to women, reveals South Australian Cass Fowler, who met him through social media after he “liked” her photos.
“He kept sending me shirtless photos and asking me to do the same,” Cass says, adding that at first she resisted but Rhys was very persistent.
In the end, Cass relented and sent him a topless photo, but he kept asking for more. “He’d send me completely nude ones, then after a while it suddenly stopped.”
WATCH: The Bachelorette boys Sam and Rhys lock horns. Post continues after the video!
“I sent him a normal Snapchat and got one back of a female saying ‘He’s got a girlfriend, back off!'” Cass tells.
To read more Bachelorette bombshells and to see photos of Rhys as a topless waiter, pick up the latest issue of Woman’s Day, on sale now!

Watch out for Rhys, Georgia Love!