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Michael and Kyly Clarke celebrate Kelsey Lee’s first birthday

She’s the apple of her mum and dad’s eye, and it looks like Kelsey Lee Clarke was spoilt rotten on her first birthday!
Michael Clarke, Kyly Clarke, Kelsey Lee Clarke

She’s the apple of her mum and dad’s eye, and it looks like Kelsey Lee Clarke was spoilt rotten on her first birthday!

Former Aussie cricket captain Michael and wife Kyly pulled out all the stops with a gorgeous cake and family barbecue.

The next day, their little cutie took a spin on her cool new trike.

Click through to see all the fun snaps!

Cricketing’s princess is now one!

Former Aussie cricket captain Michael and wife Kyly celebrated their little girl’s milestone.

Kyly took to Instagram to share a peek into the day, penning, “100% fun #familia #friends”

Look at me, daddy!

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Kyly Clarke has a fan for her new book

“Happy birthday KELSEY LEE little angel,” the proud daddy mused!

Their little cutie took a spin on her cool new trike.

Cuddles for dad.

She’s the apple of her mum and dad’s eye!

The parents pulled out all the stops with a gorgeous cake and family barbecue.

Kyly gushed, “Happiest of Birthday wishes to our Darling Angel Kelsey Lee. 1 year ago today you came into our lives & filled it with so much joy, love, laughter and happiness.”

She looks just like daddy.

Doting dad Michael adores his daughter.

The Clarkes look tuckered out.

Nap time!

Too sweet!

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