Reports of Mariah Carey’s diva behaviour just don’t seem to be going away.
According an explosive new report from The Fix, her latest tantrum reportedly had her throwing fiancé James Packer’s computer out a window… all because of Beyonce.
A source told the publication that James has yet to learn how particular his lady love is about music.
The 48-year-old mogul apparently tried to get his 47-year-old lover “in the mood” by popping on a bit of Beyonce’s Crazy in Love.
Looks like poor James might have had the “crazy” part right, as reports say Mariah flew into a rage.
Read how the bizarre events unfolded in the video below. Then, post continues!

Mariah will not have Beyonce played during sexy times, thank you!
“To get her in the mood last month, he turned on Crazy in Love, and oh boy, was that a disaster!” The insider alleged to the publication.
“Mariah threw the computer that was playing it via speakers out the window!”

Lucky James has enough money to buy a new computer. Still, he can’t have been happy!

What would Beyonce think?
“Seriously, just trashed it,” the source continued.
“She ran out of the room screaming. So the night was obviously finished for James, and they retreated to separate parts of the house. And she had a few glasses of wine to cool down.”
Lesson learnt, James! Only Mariah Carey’s music from now on!
See more of Mariah’s crazy antics in the preview for her new reality show Mariah’s World in the clip below.