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#YoTambienMeDormi: Dozing doctors defend sleeping resident

Ever had a quick nap on the job? Welcome to the club.

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Grey’s Anatomy or even Scrubs, you know that being a doctor is hard work. Even if you’re not sleeping with McDreamy.

There are long hours that often middle between 80 and 100 hours per week, gross procedures, and mean patients to deal with – not to mention strange shift hours.

So when a Mexican blog posted a photo of a medical resident asleep at her desk at a hospital, and criticised her for not “doing her job”, the medical community came to her defence.

Using the hashtag #YoTambienMeDormi (or “I’ve also fallen asleep” in Spanish), hundreds of doctors in Mexico and around the world have posted pictures of themselves sleeping “on the job”.

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