Work-life balance

How to get killer confidence

How to get killer confidence

Job interviews, first dates and public speaking are enough to reduce even the most confident people to a quivering bundle of nerves. Here, psychologist and fear specialist Anthony Gunn tells you how to overcome your anxiety and excel in whatever you’re doing. “When it comes to stepping out of a social comfort zone, see your […]
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Hilary Duff dropped from movie due to pregnancy

Hilary Duff dropped from film due to pregnancy

Pregnant women spend months agonising over whether to return to work or stay at home once they have given birth but one Hollywood actress has had the decision made for her. Hilary Duff has reportedly been dropped from her latest movie because she is pregnant. Related: Should you tell your daughter she’s beautiful The 23-year-old […]
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Nice guys finish last, but women aren't in the race

Nice guys finish last, but women aren’t in the race

The old saying “nice guys finish last” may still ring true when it comes to climbing the corporate ladder, but new research has found nice guys still finish ahead of women. A US study has found that men with disagreeable personalities out-earn men with agreeable personalities by about 18 percent where disagreeable women, on the […]
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Stop work, drop dead!

New research from the US has found that people who retire and stop working altogether are less healthy than their part-time working counterparts. University of Maryland researchers found that serious diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease were less prevalent in those who were still carrying out some kind of employment. Those workers also […]
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