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Get good and mad

Getting angry every so often is, in fact, a very healthy thing to do, while keeping it all pent up inside is not. These seven ideas will help you vent your vexations more constructively. Take a break. Anger lowers inhibitions and causes you to blurt out things you later regret. In the heat of the […]
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Traffic driving you nuts?

Anxiety accounts for 45 per cent of all mood disorders, according to a recent report published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and for the millions of Australians who commute daily by car, rush-hour can be a major source of stress. With traffic-related anxiety and road rage now formally recognised as a certified medical condition, […]
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Can chiropractic cure hypertension?

That’s the intriguing finding of a new study from the University of Chicago Medical Center published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. When 50 individuals with a misaligned Atlas vertebra (located high in the neck) were given a one-time specialised chiropractic adjustment, researchers noted that their blood pressure decreased dramatically – in fact, at a […]
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Feel better fast!

Relaxation is vital to your health and wellbeing, but many people find it difficult to overcome stress and anxiety. Pamela Allardice offers 10 easy ways to unwind. Take mini breaks: “Hurry sickness” – being constantly busy – increases your heart rate and the production of cortisol (a stress hormone), and leaves you no time for […]
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A surprising cure for anxiety

Sure, listening to music is enjoyable — but it seems it has hidden healing potential as well. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques indicate that music activates the brain’s ‘pleasure centres’, which in turn lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and reduce depression and anxiety. In a study from Temple University, Pennsylvania, patients who listened […]
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Hotting up with Bikram yoga

If you picture a yoga class and see relaxed, calm bodies, gracefully poised in a tranquil posture, then you haven’t been to Bikram Yoga. Here you’ll find hot, sweaty bodies, getting a great cardiac yoga workout in a purpose-built, heated room. Bikram Yoga is taking off around Australia due in part to the celebrity followers […]
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Hotting up with Bikram yoga

If you picture a yoga class and see relaxed, calm bodies, gracefully poised in a tranquil posture, then you haven't been to Bikram Yoga. Here you'll find hot, sweaty bodies, getting a great cardiac yoga workout in a purpose-built, heated room. Bikram Yoga is taking off around Australia due in part to the celebrity followers like Madonna, plus the reported health benefits. Let's take a closer look.
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