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Sugary soft drinks linked to heart disease

Sugary soft drinks might be bad for your waistline but they’re even worse for your heart. A new Harvard University study found that people drinking as few as 6.5 sugary drinks a week were 20 percent more likely to have a heart attack than those who never consumed them. Researchers from the Harvard School of […]
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Say no to soft drinks

You already know that too many soft drinks are bad for your teeth and your waistline, but now a study published in the Journal of Hepatology has also linked them to liver damage, specifically non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which may in turn lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and even liver cancer. In […]
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Over-forties match under-16s in unwanted pregnancies

Older women are experiencing more unplanned pregnancies than ever before because of a mistaken belief that their fertility has waned, according to experts. The UK Family Planning Association (FPA) has launched a campaign to warn women over 35 years of age to continue to use contraception, after reviewing figures that show that abortion rates are […]
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