Physical exercise

for the feet

For the feet

This exercise helps release tension from the bottom of your feet and is excellent if you spend a great deal of time in high-heeled shoes. Walking over a stick Align your bones in the standing position. Step the balls of your feet onto a stick or thin broom handle and rest for a short time. […]
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graceful upper body

Graceful upper body

Much of the activity required to support functional posture occurs at the deepest level of skeletal muscle in a process that we rarely notice. But it is the carriage of the upper back, head and arms that conveys a distinctively attractive posture. This is the area of the body that clearly demonstrates grace and poise.
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graceful upper body

Graceful upper body

Much of the activity required to support functional posture occurs at the deepest level of skeletal muscle in a process that we rarely notice. But it is the carriage of the upper back, head and arms that conveys a distinctively attractive posture. This is the area of the body that clearly demonstrates grace and poise. […]
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Spinal roll down sitting on chair

This exercise is designed to articulate and create and awareness of the spine through flexion. Align your bones sitting on a chair with your hands beside your knees as shown in the photograph. Take your chin down towards your throat and begin to roll down through the spine allowing the arms to slide down the […]
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pelvic floor exercises

Diamond-shaped pull ups for pelvic floor awareness

Sit cross-legged on the floor and align your bones in the sitting position. Visualise the diamond shape of the pelvic floor muscles. Gently draw the centre of the diamond upwards. Hold this lift and breathe naturally for up to 10 breaths. Release the muscle and begin again. If you lose the feeling of the upward […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Figure eight arm swings

This exercise gently releases and mobilises the spine. Align your bones in the standing position. Soften the knees and swing the arms diagonally across the body with fingers dropping towards the floor. Lift your arms up to the ceiling extending the legs and begin to turn your head to the other side. Soften the knees […]
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Preventing cramps and stitches

Preventing cramps and stitches

There's nothing worse than finding the motivation to drag yourself out of the house for that run, swim or cycle than to be struck down with a cramp or stitch. The pain can really hit you hard and literally stop you in your tracks.
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