Home Growing fruit

How to grow potatoes

If you are longing to plant your vegies now, but the soil still feels cold when you sit on it, satisfy your gardening longings by planting out some spuds. Potatoes can be planted when the soil is still cold, as long as the soil isn’t frozen solid — if it is the potatoes will rot. […]
Vine ripened tomatoes

How to grow tomatoes

There is nothing like a home-grown tomato, all warm from the sun and not just sweet but incredibly full of flavour. You just haven't eaten a tomato until you've had one straight from the garden!

How to grow chokoes

Chokoes are a no-fail veg. Starve them, forget them, and they’ll still give you an autumn filled with so much fruit you’ll be pestering the neighbors to take some and looking up recipes for choko chutney, choko pie, choko and ginger jam (which isn’t bad, actually). My favourite way of eating chokoes depends on growing […]