Dry skin, sensitive skin, eczema and menopause: How skin conditions impact your mood Ever noticed your skin freaks out around the same time as your mood does? Or it glows when you’re feeling great?
Easy ways to boost your baby’s gut health and why it’s so important And the tell-tale signs your child has tummy troubles.
Real life: I spent a $100 a week on filtered water baths to help my son’s eczema “His skin was horrendous and he was so unhappy.”
REAL LIFE: The ways my childhood allergies have impacted my mental health The only true comfort I’ve found is in knowing I’m not alone.
Real life: My son was bullied for his extreme eczema ''Strangers will pretty much telling me I’m a hopeless mum, I get that a lot.''
Real life: My eczema flared up days before my wedding I prised open my eyes, looked at my reflection and screamed!
How this young Sydney woman cleared her severe, itchy eczema overnight ''After having eczema for more than 10 years, to wake up and it's pretty much gone, I was beside myself.''