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Louise Bagshawe’s writing tips

1. Go on a reading course. Nobody wants to hear this, everybody ignores it. It’s not sexy advice. But it matters. To write in a given style you must steep yourself in that style. Say you want to write a chick lit book. Before you start, pop down to your bookstore. Get the Shopaholic books, […]
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Sue Williams

Sue Williams’ writing tips

Here are author Sue Williams’ top four writing tips: 1. Start The hardest thing is getting started. I’m a great believer in just picking up a pen, or firing up the computer, and making a start. Get yourself going, and write a couple of thousand words quickly to warm up. You can always go back […]
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Writing exercises – Part 3

Writing exercises – Part 3

You can’t just tell the reader the emotion your character is experiencing, you have to show them. You do this by creating images using bricks of significant detail. God and the devil are in the detail. As Strunk and White wrote in The Elements Of Style, “if those who have studied the art of writing […]
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The x factor of writing

The x factor of writing

Today we are going to explore one of the x factors in writing fiction, faith. Writing, like any creative endeavour, involves uncertainty and requires an act of faith. Faith in our imagination, faith in ourselves, faith in the creative process and faith in the stories we want to tell. When you sit down in front […]
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Silence your inner critic

One of the biggest mistakes writers make is trying to do everything perfectly, immediately. Anne Lamott, author of Bird by Bird, writes, “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people. Perfectionism will ruin your writing, blocking inventiveness, playfulness and life force.” Most people discover that when they learn to turn off […]
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Writing exercises – Part 2

Writing exercises – Part 2

Writing fiction is not an intellectual exercise. One of the keys to creating powerful fiction is to evoke emotion in your writing. You want your writing to create an emotional response in the reader. It is the emotion that will connect the writer and the reader to your characters and your story. So when you […]
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Gabrielle Lord

Gabrielle Lord’s writing tips

Author Gabrielle Lord shares her top four writing tips: Read books about writing, especially screenplay writing, or better still, do some courses in this area. To develop good knowledge of structure, pace and narrative, there’s nothing better than understanding how a story works and that’s what happens with screenplay writing. Storyline your story – that […]
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The process of writing

The process of writing

Many people have a lot of misconceptions about writers and the process of writing. One of them is that in order to write, you have to be in the mood and that successful writers feel wildly enthusiastic and inspired every time they sit down to write. In fact, just the opposite is true for most […]
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