
Mother’s defence of daughter’s birthmark goes viral

Katie Crenshaw is sick of strangers commenting on her daughter Charlie’s unusual ‘birthmark’ and wants the world to know that it doesn’t matter what she looks like.

Katie Crenshaw is sick of strangers commenting on her daughter Charlie’s unusual ‘birthmark’ and wants the world to know that it doesn’t matter what she looks like.

In a viral blog post, Katie says that she understands the daily comments she receives are meant well.

“I don’t get angry about brief stares. I understand that it’s human nature to do a double-take when you see something about someone that makes them different,” she writes.

Katie then goes on to explain that the ‘birthmark’ is actually a capillary hemangioma; a vascular tumor that can range in size and shape.

“Hemangiomas are a defect that occurs extremely early in pregnancy when the vascular system is developing. There is no known cause or prevention.

“Depending on the location, they can be troublesome if left untreated, because of their rapid growth. For example, a hemangioma that’s sitting near an airway could grow until it closed an airway or a hemangioma on an eyelid could block vision.

“They can also be a marker for some other more serious disorders. For that reason, most physicians will order diagnostic tests to rule out any other internal involvement as a precaution,” Katie explains.

Katie notes that in Charlie’s case the hemangioma was deemed “cosmetic”.

“She is observed by her specialists to make sure it doesn’t ever obstruct her vision and she takes a daily medication to keep it from growing any larger.”

“Most hemangiomas disappear eventually,” says Katie.

Katie says that the hemangioma is part of who Charlie is.

“It’s a part of her unique beauty. It may never disappear, and guess what? It doesn’t have to. I would much rather chat about her latest milestone achievement, her amazing smile, or how gorgeous her eyes are.”

Crucially, Katie asks that strangers “hold the pity”:

“She’s a healthy baby girl and we are blessed. Her hemangioma is just as insignificant to who she is as a freckle on her arm. You don’t need to mention it, and you don’t need to wish it away,” she writes.

“She doesn’t have a ‘good side’ that we choose for family pictures. I don’t retouch her hemangioma in photos.

“Her entire face is my sweet Charlie, and it doesn’t matter what it looks like.”

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