Real Life

Do you know this newly engaged couple?

Join the internet search for this mystery couple who got engaged atop the Eiffel Tower.

The search is on for two lovebirds who got engaged at the top of the Eiffel Tower in June.

It was the afternoon of the summer solstice when Californian sightseer Jen Hurd Bohn stood in line atop the popular Parisian tourist spot and saw exactly what you would expect to see in the City of Love.

Bohn saw man pull a small box from his pocket, open it and present a ring to his astonished sweetheart. Si romantique, no?

Standing just feet away Jen, who had her camera at the ready to snap the sights, took some photos of the proposal but was unable to catch the couple to give them the photographs because she was behind a barrier.

Three days later the die-hard romantic took to Facebook to encourage the internet to help her track down the newly engaged pair down to gift them the snaps of their precious moment.

“Saw this guy propose to this girl on the Eiffel Tower Sunday 6/21/15 wanted to send them the pics but was stuck in line. Help find them!” wrote Jen on June 24.

Jen believes the pair to be tourists from America like herself as she thinks their clothes might be a clue.

“I’ve got friends across the country and by their clothes I’m guessing they’re from the U.S. Somebody knows somebody who was in Paris last week and got engaged,” she wrote.


The images have gone viral and have reportedly been shared more than 190,000 times, but the loving couple have yet to come forward.

Do you know who they might be?

VIDEO: A real life fairytale proposal.

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