
Allergic to cats


I have a five-year-old cat and a boyfriend who is allergic to cats. He itches, has trouble breathing and can’t stay over because I share my bed with my cat. Please help – giving up either is not an option. Frustrated, Waramanga ACT


If you want your man to stay over, you will have to make the bedroom off limits to the cat, which it will get used to.

Regular vacuuming and grooming puss to remove loose hair may help but the allergy is to the cat dander, which will be floating through the air as well as everywhere else.

Your boyfriend can speak to his doctor about desensitising vaccinations, use anti-histamines and handle the cat minimally – making sure he washes his hands well afterwards (and doesn’t rub his eyes).

It is a common problem, but with a bit of compromise you can have harmony without getting rid of either of the two men in your life!

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