
The 12-minute Christmas workout

Are the holidays wrecking your gym plans? We’ve got a quick routine that will have you covered!
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While the holiday break is about relaxing, all of the extra free time is also an ideal opportunity to step up that exercise routine – or simply work off those Christmas leftovers.

However, with many gyms closed and a lot of us away on holidays, finding a place to work out can be easier said than done.

If you’re struggling to get to the gym, it’s not a problem!

Here we introduce our anytime, anywhere fitness plan.

Repeat this circuit twice for a full body workout that only takes 12 minutes – remember to only do exercises you feel comfortable with, and if you feel any pain, stop and consult your doctor.

Take a leaf out of Olivia Newton John’s book and (“Let’s) Get Physical”! (Source: MCA Records)


Lie down on a mat with your forearms flat on the ground on either side of your head.

Keep your arms bent at 90 degree angles with your elbows stacked directly under your shoulders and your hands the same distance apart.

Tuck your toes and push your body up so that it’s in a perfect straight line, with your weight resting on your toes and forearms.

Keep gazing at the floor, and make sure your hips aren’t lifted too high or sagging towards the floor. Keep your abs engaged as you hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times.

Mountain Climbers

Start in a basic plank position, but thistime hold your plank higher by keeping your elbows straight, with your hands stacked under your shoulders.

With your core engaged, lift your right leg and bring your knee towards your chest, with your foot just above the floor.

Return to the plank position, switch, and do the same with the other leg. Keep alternating legs at a faster pace until it feels like running, while keeping the rest of your body engaged in a plank.

Continue for one minute.

Keep your arms bent at 90 degree angles with your elbows stacked directly under your shoulders and your hands the same distance apart. (Source: Getty)

Lunges with Bicep Curls

Grab a pair of light dumbbells and hold them down by your sides with your palms facing each other.

Stand straight with your feet hip width apart.

Step your right leg forward into a lunge, so that your right knee is tracking over your right foot.

Return to the start and repeat 10 times on both sides.

Want to make it harder? As you lunge, curl your dumbbells up, then lower them as you straighten.

Tricep Dips

Sit on a bench or a sturdy chair, with your hands on the edge near your hips and your fingers pointing towards your feet.

Press into your palms and extend your arms.

Lift your hips off the bench and step your feet forward, so that your hips are a few inches away from the bench.

Breathe in, and bend your elbows straight back as you lower your body down until your arms are at a right angle. Pause for a moment, breathe out and press into your palms as you engage your triceps and straighten your arms back to the starting position.

Repeat 15 times.

Story continues…

Sit on a bench or a sturdy chair, with your hands on the edge near your hips and your fingers pointing towards your feet. (Source: Getty)

Squat Jumps

Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips, hinge forward at your hips and bend down into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Bend your arms and clasp your hands behind your head.

Jump as high as you can into the air, straightening your legs, while swinging your arms out straight for momentum.

Keeping your back straight and your chest lifted, land softly and return to the start position for 15 jumps.

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