
New South Wales warned of potential thunderstorm asthma event

This warning comes after eight people tragically lost their lives to a freak thunderstorm asthma event in Melbourne last month.
Woman with asthma coughing

Following soaring 30-degree temperatures across much of New South Wales over the weekend, residents are being warned to be extra careful after the Bureau of Meteorology reported the threat of a thunderstorm striking the state later this afternoon.

Just last month, eight people sadly lost their lives to the freak thunderstorm asthma event that hit Melbourne, bringing this very rare, yet real weather phenomenon to the forefront to the minds of the one in 10 Australians who currently live with asthma.

As previously reported by The Weekly, thunderstorm asthma occurs when a storms stirs up pollen in the air and can impact people who don’t usually suffer from asthma.

Better Health Victoria suggests that in order for asthma sufferers to prepare for a thunderstorm, they should:

  • Always carry your blue reliever with you

  • Know the signs of your asthma getting worst, and memorise the first-aid steps for asthma

  • If you’re sensitive to pollen, stay inside during high-pollen and windy times

If you are experiencing respiratory issues, seek medical attention immediately.

For more ways of managing your asthma, download the free Asthma Australia app from iTunes, and follow the #thunderstormasthma hashtag on Twitter for updates.

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