Celebrity News

Olivia Wilde shuts down Trump and announces sex of baby in single tweet

This hits me deep in my core...

Actress Olivia Wilde has used the power of Twitter to announce the sex of her second baby and dish out a solid smack down to Donald Trump.

On Sunday the pregnant House star used her 140 character limit to articulate how a Trump presidency would affect her little girl (yes folks, she’s having a girl!).

Wilde retweeted Hillary Clinton campaign’s latest ad, which features a series of girls looking at themselves in a mirror while Trump’s infamous quotes about women’s bodies play in the background.

Olivia wrote: “As someone who is about to have a daughter, this hits me deep in my core. #NeverTrump”

The ad is an attempt to put Trump’s misogyny at the forefront of the conversation for young women voters, and clearly it resonated with Wilde who has been outspoken about body image in the past.

After the birth of her first child, a son, Otis in 2014, Wilde told Shape how her body had changed. In the 2015 interview the 32-year-old actress said:

“The photos of me in this magazine have been generously constructed to show my best angles, and I assure you, good lighting has been warmly embraced. The truth is, I’m a mother, and I look like one.”

The baby girl will be Wilde’s second child with actor husband, Jason Sudeikis.

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