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Bratz doll makeover

Bratz dolls get a wholesome ‘makeunder’

We’re talking about Bratz dolls. Remember those? They were the anti-Barbie: the leather pants, heavy morning after the night before makeup, come hither look giving bad influence. Some parents called them “tarty”, experts in child rearing called them dangerous and probable rods of ‘sexualisation.’ Meanwhile university students rolled them into the essay that they were […]
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Toys 'R' Us to end gender marketing

Toys ‘R’ Us to end gender marketing

An army of angry parents have forced toy store giant Toys ‘R’ Us to strip their aisles of sexist signage in a move to end gender marketing to children. The UK arm of the global toy retailer has given in to the pressure of a grass roots campaign started by concerned parents, agreeing to freshen […]
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Cinderella ate my daughter

Why I am over the colour pink

I am over pink. Nearly four years into parenthood, and with two daughters and no sons — it is the only colour of choice in my house. Even my own wardrobe seems to be getting pinker — Mother’s Day gifts of pyjamas are chosen by my eldest who can’t imagine anyone not sharing her favourite […]
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