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Awake refreshed

Get plenty of sleep or your happiness rating will suffer. Most people need a good six to eight hours sleep a night to feel in the best of moods. Have a regular bedtime and keep the bedroom for sleep and lovemaking only (so – no reminders of work!). Avoid alcohol and chocolate late at night […]
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Try a tonic

Try a tonic

Chinese herbalists say that the spices ginger and cardamom are ‘restoratives’, which means they enliven your metabolism by creating heat and energy. Try my recipe for this ‘metabolic tonic’ to stimulate the circulation – it’s particularly recommended for that dreaded ‘I’ve-gotta-cold-coming-on’ feeling. Metabolic Tonic: 5 cinnamon sticks, broken in half 2 one-centimetre (1/2 inch) slices […]
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Weekend detox plan

Weekend detox plan

Feeling below par? This gentle program of herbs, exercise, and bathing will cleanse your system and boost your vitality. It makes a lot of sense – especially after any kind of over-indulgence or stress – to give your body a rest. Another bonus: Cleansing diets help boost metabolism, and might help you lose a few […]
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Hangover helpers

Hangover helpers

So you’ve been celebrating and now you feel … well, awful, in fact. When you drink alcohol to excess, your body is unable to break it down fast enough, so it accumulates in a harmful byproduct called acetaldehyde. The liver – which has the job of detoxifying your body – is overwhelmed by dealing with […]
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Brush away the cobwebs

Brush away the cobwebs

This simple yoga exercise really brushes away the cobwebs and sends a burst of energy right through your body. Try it today! 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees relaxed, feet facing forwards, and eyes open so you can keep your balance. 2.Clasp your hands behind your back with your palms facing the floor. […]
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Energy boost

I have started an exercise program (finally!) and I am keen to know if there's anything I can take to give me an extra energy boost. K.Z., via email
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Re-fuel, revitalise

Re-fuel, revitalise

Can the foods you eat shift your mood as well as stop you feeling hungry? The latest research reveals you can do anything from overcome depression to improve your memory – simply by choosing the right food. To boost energy levels, choose: Protein-rich foods: seafood (prawns, fish, scallops, mussels); turkey; low-fat milk or yoghurt. Foods […]
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Be calm

Be calm

Try to make time for five minutes of quiet meditation and reflection every day. It stills the mind, combats stress, and mentally prepares you for what you have to do next. Meditation exercise Sit in any position that feels comfortable and close your eyes. Keep your head upright, shoulders relaxed. Start to breathe steadily and […]
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Could it be candida?

Could it be candida?

Could it be candida? Overgrowth of the fungus candida in the digestive system has been associated with a whole range of seemingly unrelated problems, including irritability, tiredness, mild depression, thrush (which affects 70 per cent of women at some time), food sensitivities, flatulence, and poor digestion. It often takes hold following a period of long-term […]
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Give guilt away

Give guilt away

Guilt is very common in women, and it’s really just a roundabout way of saying you don’t like yourself. When we feel guilty we feel inefficient, bad and wrong. We feel guilty for eating, for spending too much money (or not enough), for not giving enough time to our children (or for smothering them), for […]
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