Home Health Page 203
Bath bliss

Bath bliss

If you use essential oils in your bath, add them just before entering so their delicate healing properties won’t evaporate in the steam before you get in the tub. Oh, and swoosh the water to disperse the drops thoroughly so there are no ‘hot spots’ of oil.
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Quick stress busters

Quick stress busters

Stress can harm your heart and compromise your immune system, resulting in a lowered resistance to infection. Try these three quick tips to beat stress and bring instant calm. 1. Shrug Your Shoulders This releases tension held in your neck and back. Slowly and deliberately raise your shoulders as close to your ears as you […]
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Soy for diabetics

Soy for diabetics

As if helping to lower cholesterol and relieving some menopausal symptoms isn’t enough good news, soy may soon have a new health claim to make. In a small study conducted at Hull University in England, researchers tested the effect of soy supplements on diabetic women. For 12 weeks, one group of the women ate meals […]
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Graveyard shift risks

Graveyard shift risks

Working nights may lead to more than just sleep deprivation, according to a study published in the American Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which reported a startling 60 per cent increased risk of breast cancer for women who had worked nights for more than three years. Why? Researchers think that night workers produce less […]
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Five great ways to simplify

Five great ways to simplify

Feeling overwhelmed? Here are five easy ways to streamline your life, find more time and feel less stressed. 1. Have a clean-out. According to feng shui, the Chinese art of placement, the clutter in your home correlates with parts of your life that need attention. Key spots include your entrance, which represents how you approach […]
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Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer

A promising remedy for prostate cancer? Science has good news for men. A recent study, published in The Journal of Urology, shows that a supplement containing the herbs saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) and reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) slows the growth of prostate cancer. The study tested the effects of the herbs on 69 men with prostate […]
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Six natural new year’s resolutions

Six natural new year’s resolutions

Follow these simple steps for a healthier new you. 1. Highlight the positive Instead of focusing on what you want to change, make a list of your good qualities and all the things you are thankful for. 2. Pamper yourself Once a week do something just for you: take a herbal bath, give yourself a […]
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Time to get lazy

Time to get lazy

Skip the early morning jog and sleep in, say research scientists at the German University of Fulda. Much like hibernating bears, people live longer if they sleep eight to nine hours a night, take naps and avoid long work hours and extreme exercise, say the researchers. Not that sloth should be your motto, they hasten […]
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Virtually pain-free

Made famous amongst Aussie parents by kids who adore going to TimeZone, American psychologist David Patterson, PhD., is now using virtual reality (VR) to distract burn victims from the pain of daily wound care. While having their wounds cleaned, patients wearing VR visors can play in a computerised world where they have a snowball fight […]
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Trim your holiday trash

Trim your holiday trash

We throw away 25 per cent more rubbish during the period between Christmas and New Year’s Day than any other time of the year. This extra waste amounts to masses of unnecessary garbage – here are a few waste-reducing ideas: Instead of wrapping gifts for kids, hide the presents unwrapped, and plant clues to where […]
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