Home Chlesterol
Why you should eat more eggs

Why you should eat more eggs

Eggs have had a bad rap in the nutrition stakes for years, most often being criticised as causing cholesterol to climb. But it turns out that they’re not that bad for you, with most evidence suggesting that foods containing saturated fat and trans fat have more influence on blood levels of cholesterol. In fact, a […]
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Five margarine myths debunked

Cholesterol and plant sterols

Plant sterols (also known as phytosterols) are natural substances that can help lower your cholesterol. They exist in wood pulp and leaves, but are also found naturally in certain foods such as vegetable oil, nuts, legumes, corn, fruit and vegetables. You can obtain higher levels through enriched margarine spreads. How do they work? When consumed, […]
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All about cholesterol

Question: I often hear about cholesterol and the different types. Can you tell me which one we need to increase and which one we should try to reduce? Answer: Cholesterol is essential to life. It is a soft waxy substance that helps form cell walls and makes hormones. The body produces most of the cholesterol […]
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Drink tea, it might help your cholesterol levels

Seven ways to lower your cholesterol

High cholesterol levels pose a grave danger to your heart. The good news is that these seven easy — and inexpensive — natural methods are very effective at cutting cholesterol. Swap spreads Studies show that plant sterols lower total cholesterol levels by six percent and LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol by up to 14 percent. They’re found […]
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