
Mummy blogger documents labour on Snapchat for thousands of fans

All 20 hours of it.
The Young Mummy Sophie Cachia snapchats labour

Popular parenting blogger Sophie Cachia, known online as The Young Mummy, has live streamed the arrival of her second child in order to show the “beautiful moment” that is childbirth.

The 26-year-old went into labour early Saturday morning and gave birth to a healthy baby girl, who she named Betty, some 20 hours later.

Not to disappoint her fans, who have avidly followed her pregnancy journey, Sophie made sure she documented the entire experience on Snapchat (@SophCachia).

“I’ve spent days, weeks, months and years TRYING to describe certain things to family, friends and followers about the beautiful/hideous process that labour is,” she explained in the weeks leading up to her live steam, which is when she promised her fans would be along for the crazy.

She started by filming her contractions at home, bouncy on an exercise ball to ease the discomfort comfort.

As they occurred closer and closer she snapped her journey at the hospital although nothing too private or close-up was shared.

Eventually Betty was born.

While her fans have been supportive of the move others, who do not follow her blog, have slammed her for seeking attention during what should be an intimate time for a family.

“How sad that the birth of a child has been reduced to camera angles and thinking of witty things to say to make your followers laugh while in labour,” Missy from Melbourne commented

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