
25 weeks pregnant: Your dream baby

Here comes your milk and your baby naps - and even starts to dream.
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Your body

Although it may look more like a small planet to you, your uterus is now the size of a football. Revel in the positive aspects of pregnancy: thick, glossy hair, long, strong nails and – if you’re lucky – a clear, glowing complexion. All these are yours for the next few months, so enjoy!

Growing pains

When your baby moves, you may experience pain under your ribs or in your lower abdomen. Her increased size, plus the growing uterus, all put pressure on your bowel, bladder and rectum. There’s not a lot you can do to relieve the pain – the best thing is to lie on your left side (this is the ideal position for your baby’s circulation) and rest.

Milk on tap

Since soon after conception, your breasts have been preparing for the job they were made for: feeding your baby. Very early on, hormonal signals triggered the development of the milk glands and ducts. More recently, your body has been laying down stores of fat and protein, from which the milk will be made. By this stage of pregnancy, your breasts are ready for action: if your baby were to be born now, there would be an ample supply of milk on tap.

Gestational diabetes

Up to 2 percent of pregnant women develop this condition, which only occurs in pregnancy and usually disappears after the birth. It’s caused by the pancreas producing too little insulin to cope with the body’s glucose (sugar) levels. One of the signs of gestational diabetes (GD) is sugar in your urine, discovered after the standard urine analysis at your antenatal check-up. If you develop GD, your baby may put on too much weight, so careful control of blood sugar – by eating a healthy, balanced diet and not skipping meals – is vital.

Blinking dry-eye

Another normal yet irritating side effect of pregnancy is dry-eye, when your eyes feel gritty and dry, and very sensitive to light. You can improve matters by using an artificial tears solution (available from pharmacies) to add moisture.

Your partner may be able to feel your baby moving.

(Credit: Getty Images)

Your baby

Your baby now weighs about 680g and measures about 22cm from crown to rump. Once transparent, her skin is now becoming wrinkled and red.

Feeling tight?

Space is getting tight in the uterus as your baby puts on weight. Her movements will feel less like gentle flutters and more like vigorous kicks or punches! Encourage your partner to place his hand on your belly and feel his baby move.

Fact of life

Although you may be suffering from insomnia, your baby is getting plenty of shut-eye. Research shows that unborn babies experience REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, in which dreams occur, from about six months.

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