
7 tips for finding more me time

Carolyn Tate shares her top tips for finding time for the most important person in your life – you.
7 tips for finding me time

Schedule, schedule, schedule

The wise and beautiful Bron Maxabella wrote this outstanding and beautiful post on finding time to blog, but you can apply it to whatever is important in your life – but make sure it’s whatever is important to YOU.

If you love a good system, you can also check out Sonia Stackhouse’s Sanity Folder.

I have instigated this in my life and it excites me beyond what is socially acceptable.

I’d like to give Sonia my firstborn as a thank you gift but she won’t take her.

In all this scheduling and organising, don’t forget it’s crucial to schedule in time for yourself.

This is new to me but I’m trying to include at least half an hour every day (which I use to exercise), plus a larger block a couple of times a week.

Put this time in – NOT in pencil – and don’t move it for anyone unless they are on fire.

What you do during this time means is entirely up to you.

For me it’s running, yoga, meditation, time out with the girls, bushwalking, and maybe the occasional (non-animated) movie on my own where I don’t have to share the popcorn or shoosh anyone.


If you’re supposed to work three days a week, work three days a week.

If it’s 40 hours, keep your evenings and weekends free.

Sure, urgent stuff comes up but if you find it coming up week after week, you need to look at how you’re dealing with this.

Oprah may be a bit of a sanctimonious pain in the arse at times, but she was right when she said you teach people how to treat you.

If people demand too much of you and you roll over and ask them to scratch your belly, they’ll keep on coming back for more.

Stand up for yourself and your right to live a balanced life.

Get your family onside

Tell them you’re struggling if you’re struggling.

I find this very tough, which seems silly now I think about it because they love me.

I want to be all things and I want everyone I love to think I’m super.

But I’m not; I’m human.

So last week I told my husband I need more help.

He’s happy to provide it.

And my mother is happy to watch my kids sometimes too.

That’s awesome.

But they don’t know if you don’t tell them, because they’re busy dealing with their own stuff.

And, you know, probably not psychic.


Outsource whatever you hate doing, or whatever is robbing you of time, if you can afford it.

Not everyone can, but if it’s an option, why wouldn’t you?


It’s not a bonus or a nice-to-have, it’s required to keep you healthy.

Get outside if you can, and join a group for bonus socialisation.

Exercising not only keeps your body healthy, but it’s great for dealing with anxiety and mild depression.

I find, when I’m at my most anxious, it’s almost impossible to force myself to leave the house to go exercise, so I make deals with my brain.

I’ll go for 10 minutes and then come home if I hate it. I almost always keep going once I’m out.


To carpooling, or tuckshop, or managing the under 8s soccer team.

The world will go on. Sure, the P&C will tell you we all need to contribute if the system is going to work, but you are your first priority and sometimes it’s just not possible.

Hold on

Try to keep the big picture in the front of your mind.

Yes, there are times when life can seem incredibly overwhelming but this isn’t forever.

Sometimes you need to grit your teeth and carry on.

When things are bothering me, I like to put it to the “Will this matter in five years” test. Almost every time, the answer is no.

This story originally appeared on Champagne Cartel.

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