
Tinder can now match you with your dream celebrity!

What a time to be alive! Tinder has introduced verified profiles so you know for sure if the hottie you matched with is a celebrity.
Shane Warne and Liz Hurley

Have you ever swiped right on Tinder and come across a notable persons profile, only to be disappointed to discover that it was a fake account – well fret no longer because the dating app has given us all some peace of mind.

In an effort to “keep those matches real,” the cupids at Tinder have unveiled verified accounts to ensure you can have full confidence that your latest match is in fact Harry Styles… what? We’re allowed to dream!

If you’re a person of note your account will be labelled with that familiar blue tick, just like other social networks.

With over 26 million matches each day, it is no wonder the dating the app needs to sort out the Joe Publics from the Joe Millionaires.

And with stars like Katy Perry, Britney Spears and Ed Sheeran admitting to their Tinder use, you never know your luck!

Happy Swiping!

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