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My big fat fake wedding

By Megan Norris


Pictures: Frances Andrijich

Angela had everything that a blushing bride could want — except a groom!

Perched on a podium in the bridal store, Angela Travers twirled in front of the mirror in the gown of her dreams.

“So, where’s the lucky groom today?” asked an assistant as she fussed with Angela’s white veil. The blushing bride was suddenly stuck for words.


Angela didn’t have the heart to tell the woman she didn’t even have a boyfriend, let alone a bridegroom. She was planning to have a white wedding with all the trimmings — all by herself! It was a scene straight out of Muriel’s Wedding.

It was back in 2006 that the Perth fun-lover first woke with wedding bells ringing in her ears.

“I’d been in London for three years and had come home to work for a few months before planning to return to England,” says Angela, who works for a WA oil and gas shipping company. But then she realised that if Mr Right were waiting for her overseas, many of her friends would miss out on the wedding.

Angela, now 37, came up with a crazy plan — to get married on her own in a flash bash where she could be a dream bride and the centre of all that attention.


“I didn’t want to be an old, fat, frumpy bride,” she grins. “So I thought I’d do it now, while I still looked good enough in a slinky, gorgeous wedding gown.”

The former wedding planner, who once organised romantic weddings at a posh WA country club, ordered the works — flowers, bridesmaids, a photographer and, of course, the wedding dress.

“Not having a groom was a bonus, since I was the one making all the decisions about the wedding party,” she says. “There was no conflict or squabbles or meddling in-laws … This was definitely going to be all about me, me, me!” she laughs.

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on sale April 28).


Your say:

Is Angela making the best of her situation, or just plain mad? Have your say below…

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