Although their twins’ futures are uncertain, these Sydney parents are showering them with all the love they can.
It’s the heart-stopping moment every brand new parent nervously waits to hear. But for Renee Young and Simon Howie, who were told their conjoined twins were unlikely to even survive, it seemed as though everything stood still until their first muffled cries.
“I was desperate to hear something,” recalls Simon. “I was so anxious to get a look- in, but the room was packed with doctors and I couldn’t see them.
“It seemed like forever, but then I heard a cry. I don’t know which girl cried but it was all I needed.”
Already mum to seven children in a blended family, Renee gave birth on May 8 to conjoined twins so rare only 35 cases have ever been recorded – they are a one-in-30 million miracle!
Read more about this couple’s miracle conjoined twins in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 19, 2014.

Renee Young with her twins Hope and Faith.

Dekota, 3, adores her sisters, and is doing a great job of sharing her mum and dad.

Renee Young stays close to her girls.

Faith and Hope hold tight to their mother’s finger.

Proud parents Renee Young and Simon Howie look over their girls.