Local News

Woman turns home into retirement house for elderly pets

Meet Sher Polvinale, the director of House With A Heart, a group who provides loving retirement homes for life to elderly pets-- no strings attached.

Well, if ever there was a lovely story to warm your heart it’s this one.

Sher Polvinale is an ‘animal-lover’ in every sense of the word. However, one thing about the way current ‘adoption’ shelters for animals currently work always bothered her– they barely ever managed to adopt out any ‘elderly’ pets. As such, many organisations are either hesitant to take on ageing dogs and cats, or the animals they take on stay in what should be ‘temporary accommodation’ for their entire lives.

She realised, due to their advanced age and various medical conditions, there was an influx of animals in her vicinity in Maryland who never get moved on to a different loving home. Sher, unable to tolerate this, began a pet sanctuary for senior dogs and cats with her late husband, Joe, in 2006.

The sanctuary, named House With A Heart, has become a loving retirement home for life to elderly pets– no strings attached. Supported by over 55 volunteers, the team walk, bathe, and care for the two dozen dogs, while cleaning and maintaining Sher’s house.

Their mission is simple: “to provide senior and special needs pets with a loving and caring home where they will be allowed to live out their lives in a secure, nurturing environment”.

“We have dogs come to live with us until the end of their life and we make sure that the end of their life is full of love and caring, lots of attention, and make sure they get all the medical care they need,” Ms Polvinale said.

As 9 News reports, she is so dedicated to the cause she only leaves the house four times a year because she doesn’t want to be away from her fur-babies for any longer.

Cute! Try to watch the video of Sher and her retirement home for dogs and cats without a tear in your eye:

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