Local News

Sunburn art has become a trend

And no, we don't mean slip, slop, slap.

Slip, slop, slap.

Ever since Sid the Seagull told Aussies to do just that in the 80’s we’ve known the dangers of staying out in the sun without protection.

Two words: Malignant melanoma.

However, people all over the globe are seemingly forgetting those words and instead of slip, slop, slapping, are stencilling their bodies with sunblock or zinc to create #sunburnart.

The hashtag has grown on social media, with over 240 posts of burnt bodies and “sunburn tattoos” with the unburnt areas creating the illusion of anything from a batman symbol to a hibiscus on their bodies.

One instagram account called _melanoma is sarcastically reminding #sunburnart contributors that melanoma is likely to be just around the corner if they continue taking part in this fad.

Click through to see the idiotic and unsafe #sunburnart. Please, stay away from the hashtag and the sun (unless you’ve slip, slop, slapped like Sid the Seagull told you to).

For information about skin cancer and sun safety click here.

Photo from Instagram.

Photo from Instagram.

Photo from Instagram.

Photo from Instagram.

Photo from Instagram.

Photo from Instagram.

Photo from Instagram.

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