Local News

Canberra couple who vowed to divorce if marriage equality was legalised do a backflip

But guys, you were so sure!
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While Australia was celebrating marriage equality passing parliament yesterday, one Canberra couple was getting hot under the collar.

Nick and Sarah Jensen said they would be getting a divorce at the end of 2015 if the government made marriage even a little gay – a hilariously benevolent understanding of how quickly this government puts anything into legislation.

Two years later it finally happened. One can only assume the couple have reluctantly drawn up their divorce papers and are going through the courts in an amicable but slightly separation as we speak.

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“My previous public comments regarding civil divorce never envisaged me separating from my wife, but rather our marriage from the State,” Mr Jensen said in a statement.


“The legislation currently makes it untenable for us to do this under the law.

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“The point we were highlighting and that still stands however is the fact that a redefinition of marriage changes the agreement under which we were originally married.

“We will be making no further comment.”


Despite the pair’s strong feelings on the issue, they weren’t on the frontline campaigning for the no side.


“Our situation is a bit of a unique one from the rest of the No campaigners,” he said.

“In part, we’re affected if there is a bit of a change in law – I haven’t been out there on the front line campaigning.”

I guess he didn’t mean “affected” in a literal sense, more a “this is going to be a humiliating backflip kind of way”.

“Our view is that marriage is a fundamental order of creation. Part of God’s human history. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman before a community in the sight of God,” Nick wrote in Canberra CityNews at the time.

“And marriage of any couple is important to God regardless of whether that couple recognises God’s involvement or authority in it.

“If our federal parliament votes to change the timeless and organic definition of marriage later on this year, it will have moved against the fundamental and foundational building block of Australian society and, indeed, human culture everywhere.”

Maybe next time I guess.

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