Big W has faced an embarrassing gaffe when someone spotted that one of the cooking dishes advertised on their website had age specifications to use the product as 30-50 years old.
Why there was even a need for the chain store to put a recommended age on the product page for the Stanley Rogers Kitchen Enamel Pie Dish 24cm is completely mind-boggling.
It was spotted by a Reddit user who posted the thread that has now gone viral and captioned it: ‘Thanks Big W, I’ll wait another year.’
Some were quite amused by it, and chose to mock Big W in a way of pointing out the flaw. One Reddit user wrote on the thread: “It is a little known fact that once you turn 30 you can apply for your enamel pie dish licence.”
Another wrote: “Pie baking in under 30s has been linked to Early Onset Slow-Cooking Syndrome.”
Big W have since deleted the age specification from the internet page.
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