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Sensitive paws


Last December my son adopted a three-year-old Staffy-cross. Sam is a very active dog who loves walks and fetching. The problem is his paws are extremely sensitive and Sam quite often gets blisters and cuts. Most of the time we resist his compulsion to fetch, which reduces most of the cuts, but just a gentle walk along the footpath still often results in blisters. Is there a way we can toughen up his paws and alleviate this problem altogether? We would love to be able to throw sticks for Sam to fetch.

Lyn Frey, via e-mail.


Take him to a vet to check there is not an underlying contact allergy, sunburn or other skin disorder contributing to his sensitivity. If he gets the all clear, then you need to come up with ways he can still have fun without hurting his feet.

Firstly, only walk him on grass and soft surfaces that are less likely to aggravate or cut his paws. Secondly, rest him when his paws are sore. They may also need some topical treatment or antibiotics if they are really flaky or infected which your vet can advise on. Finally, if he is obsessive-compulsive in other aspects of his life there may be an underlying anxiety issue your vet could go through with you and help manage.

The great news is you can get booties made for this exact problem that come in all sizes and in strong water-resistant fabrics that do up with Velcro straps around the ankles. Investing in a set of these may just be the answer to all your problems. Muttlucks are one brand but there are a few around. Ask your vet or pet store to order them in for you, or search for “dog booties” online and you’ll find loads!

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