
Holiday care for your fish

Holiday care for your fish

Are you wondering what to do about your pet fish when you go away on holiday? If you’re only going to be away from home a few days, don’t worry about having someone feed your fish. Healthy fish can easily go a week without food.

You can buy fish feeders, which gradually dissolve to release food, but using these might upset the PH in your tank. If you’re going to be away for more than a week, it’s best to have someone feed your fish. Ask a neighbour or friend who’s willing to go to your house every few days to do so.

A good way to prevent someone over-feeding your fish while you’re away is to put enough fish food for one day in a small package such as an envelope. Make up enough of these packages to last the time you’re away.

Your fish don’t have to be fed every day, and shouldn’t be given more than one day’s food at a time — even if they haven’t been fed for a few days. Make sure the person feeding your fish knows not to make up for days they may have missed by giving your fish extra food.

If the water in your tank evaporates quickly, you might have to arrange for your tank to be topped up with fresh water. Explain to your good Samaritan that the water should be at room temperature and free of fluoride.

It’s best not to add any new fish to your tank in the month before you go on holidays — the new fish could introduce disease that takes some time to develop.

Clean your tank and filter, and change the water like you would normally, the week before you go on holidays.

Lastly, you might like to give the person who is looking after your fish the number of a pet store or aquarium that they can call if they need to. This will also put their mind at rest if they’re nervous about their fish responsibilities.

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