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Aussie mum’s post-baby body selfie goes viral

“People don't want to see this photo.”
Aussie mums post-baby body selfie goes viral

Australian mum Laura Mazza has shared her feelings about her post-baby body in a blog post which has gone viral around the world.


The mum of two kids under two described in the post how she used to obsess over staying trim:

“I took progress photos because it meant I was closer to be a weight where I would love myself. I ate no carbs, and barely any vegetables. Just meat. But I loved it because I was losing weight rapidly and the more bones that protruded the more I valued myself,” she wrote.

“I ended up hating meat, and was always suffering from heartburn. But still I looked at this photo, this image of myself, like I was fat. There was nothing wrong with the way I looked. My body was mine.”

While most ‘before and after’ photos that appear on social media document tightening and toning, Laura wanted to highlight how giving birth changed her body in the opposite way.


“This body, it’s not a result of just meat. It’s a result of eating everything. Fruit, vegetables, carbs; pasta, rice, cakes, chocolate.. Sometimes 20 chicken nuggets. Fish… It’s not always healthy but 99% of it is. The nuggets are for when I’m tired.. Sure.

“The scars and stretch marks and jiggly tummy is because I made humans. I ate a little more cake, I drank a little more wine. I made mug cakes at 9pm and snuggled on the couch with my husband. But for some reason, I didn’t love this body. It’s sad.”

Laura details how while she still struggles with wanting her old body back, she now realises that when she was thinner she wasn’t happy. Or healthy.


“But you know what? I have achieved more with this body, then I have with my old body. I’ve eaten more good foods. I’ve lived more, I’ve given more, I’ve enjoyed more. I’ve made life. This body, THIS body should be celebrated and admired.

“I should admire myself. I should love myself.

“I get it now. Celebrating all body types. All body types and the stories that go with that body. Above all, THE person should be celebrated. Healthy bodies should be celebrated. Healthy should be what we strive for. Healthy minds, healthy journeys and however that reflects on to our bodies, we should admire it.”

You can read the whole, empowering post here.


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