
These are the food names you’ve been mispronouncing your whole life

No, Bruschetta isn’t pronounced Bru-shet-are.

There are quite a number of common foods out there with some pretty annoying names and chances are, you’ve been pronouncing them incorrectly.

And let’s face it – spelling can be a bit deceiving which means we’ve all fallen victim to asking for an “ex-presso” to go along with dessert.

So, to prevent any future food faux pas, we’ve got your A-Z guide of how to correctly say those tricky food words.

1.Açai (“ah-sigh-ee”)

2.Agave (“ah-GAH-vee”; “ah-GAH-vay”)

3.Aglio e olio (“AH-lyoh ay AW-lyoh”)

4.Aïoli (“ay-OH-lee”; “i-OH-lee”)

5.Anise (“AN-ihss”)

6.Arancini (“are-ahn-chee-nee”)

7.Au jus (“oh-ZHOO”)

8.Boeuf Bourguinon (“BEUF boor-gee-NYON”)

9.Bouillabaisse (“BOOL-yuh-BAYZ”; “BOOL-yuh-BEHZ”)

10.Bruschetta (“broo-SKEH-tah”)

11.Caramel (“KEHR-ah-mehl”; “KAR-ah-mehl”)

12.Charcuterie (“shahr-KOO-tuhr-ee”; “shar-koo-tuhr-EE”)

13.Chipotle (“chih-POHT-lay”)

14.Ciabatta (“cha-bada”)

15.Coq au Vin (“kohk-oh-VAHN”; “kohk-oh-VAHN”)

16.Croissant (“kwah-SAHN”; “KWAH-sawn”; “kruh-SAHNT”)

17.Crudités (“kroo-dee-TAY”)

18.Edamame (“eh-dah-MAH-meh”)

19.Endive (“EN-dyv”;”AHN-deev”;”ahn-DEEV”)

20.Espresso (“ehs-PREHS-oh”)

21.Etouffée (“ay-too-FAY”)

22.Gnocchi (“NYOH-kee”; “NOH-kee”)

23.Gyro (“YEE-roh”)

24.Halloumi (“hah-loo-me”)

25.Hummus (“HOOM-uhs”)

26.Jicama (“HEE-kah-mah”)

27.Macaron (“mak-uh-RUH”)

28.Mascarpone (“mas-kar-POH-nay; mas-kahr-POH-nay”)

29.Matcha (“MAH-tchah”)

30.Muffuletta (“moof-fuh-LEHT-tuh”)

31.Nutella (“new-tell-uh”)

32.Parfait (“pahr-FAY”)

33.Pho (“fuh”)

34.Prix-Fixe (“pree-feeks”)

35.Prosciutto (“pro-shoot-oh”)

36.Quinoa (“KEEN-wah”)

37.Radicchio (“rah-dee-kee-oh”)

38.Sherbet (“SHER-biht”)

39.Turmeric (“TER-muh-rihk”)

40.Tzatziki (“dzah-DZEE-kee”)

41.Vichyssoise (“vihsh-ee-SWAHZ”;”VEE-she-swahz”)

42.Worcestershire (“WOOS-tuhr-shuhr”; “WOOS-tuhr-sheer”)

43.Xiao Long Bao (“shao-long-bow”) aka Soup Dumplings

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