
True resolutions: power charge your dreams for 2011



Conscious evolution healer and author Dana Mrkich talks to Anna Warwick on using intuition to make some very powerful new year resolutions.

Checking in with ourselves

“The start of a new year is a perfect time to take stock of our lives,” says Dana. “Too often we find ourselves at the end of yet another year feeling frustrated or unfulfilled in certain life areas. It’s time to tune in and ask ourselves if we’re heading toward our dreams, or are stuck in the same old patterns.”

Cosmic influences

According to Dana, we have a little help from above. “The beginning of 2011 is an especially powerful time, because we are starting it with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on January 4. Eclipses tend to accelerate life events, and heighten the energy of a normal new moon. So it’s like we’re starting this new year with a power charger underneath us, asking ‘What do you want to do? What, or who, do you want to let go of? Who do you want to be? Now is the time!'”

Related: make peace with yourself using Ayurveda

Tap in to your intuition

Invest in a journal. “I recommend spending an hour or so with your journal anytime between January 1 and 4,” says Dana. “Start by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Ask that you connect with the truth that is in your heart. Just by focusing on your breath, you can get to your truth, which lies in the still, silent spaces in between all the thought static.

“Write down the first things that come to you for the following questions. Trust what comes (even if your mind tells you ‘I’m just making this up’) — your intuition is one of your best sources of guidance.”

  • What in my life makes me happy? Angry? Bored? Sad?

  • What do I need to let go of? Include ways of thinking, beliefs, patterns, habits that just don’t work for you anymore.

  • What did I achieve this year that I’m proud of?

  • What did I do this year that taught me: never again will I do that!

  • What does my ideal self look and feel like? Include her inner qualities. What kind of energy does she exude? How does she feel about herself?

  • What are 10 things I would absolutely love to experience or achieve this lifetime? Pick three things on that list that you promise yourself you will start in 2011. Write down one action step for each, that you promise to do by the end of February. For example, if you’ve always wanted to write a book, commit to writing 2000 words a week.

Face your fears

Is there one dreaded new year resolution that glares at you from the top of the list, year in and year out, and never gets done?

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Contact Dana

Dana offers empowering Soul Sessions in person and via phone, Skype and email. You can also join her mailing list for her inspiring monthly insights into the bigger picture. More info on Dana Mrkich here.

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