
Cheers for beer

A little beer can do you good

Doctors tend to be reluctant to encourage alcohol consumption and when they do, it’s usually red wine that gets the tick of approval. However, a growing number of research papers indicate that perhaps beer is the better option when it comes to adding up disease-fighting benefits. For example, Japanese scientists have found that antioxidants in beer may help protect certain body tissue from cancer-causing chemicals. One in particular — xanthohumol — has even been shown to retard the growth and development of breast cancer cells. Another study, this time from Tufts University, identified a connection between beer consumption and reduced risk of developing osteoporosis, thanks to the presence of a bone-building compound called silicate, which supports the uptake of calcium into bones. But when you’re raising your glass to your health, remember: drinking more doesn’t confer extra health benefits, quite the opposite, as the negative effects of too much alcohol cancel out any nutritious effects.

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