
QUIZ: What’s your body IQ?

How in tune with your body are you? Take the test and find out how to get bodywise.
What's your body IQ?

There are many different types of intelligence – emotional, educational, spiritual, for example – but according to US doctor Rachel Carlton Abrams, we also need to develop our body intelligence to be truly healthy.

“Being ‘bodywise’ is the ability to tap into what’s going on in your body and learn what it needs,” she says.

“Our minds are now so busy many of us live completely from the neck up and pay no attention to the rest of our body at all – until we get sick. Tune into what your body is telling you though, and it can change your health, your weight and how you feel.”

Being bodywise requires a couple of different skills: you need to know some basic medical facts about your body; you need to know how your body sends signals to say something is amiss; and you need to know how to give your body what it needs to feel good.

So, how in tune are you with your body? Take this quiz to find out…

QUIZ: How bodywise are you?

Answer the following five questions as honestly as you can. Pick the number next to your answer and write it down. At the end add up all the numbers to get your score.

1) Do you know your blood pressure, cholesterol and weight?

a. No – 1

b. One or two – 2

c. All three – 3

2) When eating a meal, are you aware of when you feel full and stop eating when you are?

a. Never – 1

b. Sometimes – 2

c. Almost always – 3

3) In the last six months, how often have you had a ‘gut feeling’ about something that turned out to be true?

a. Never – 1

b. Sometimes – 2

c. Almost always – 3

4) Consider an area of your body that has been in pain – how many things can you identify that helped or worsened it?

a. None – 1

b. 1 or 2 – 2

c. 3 or more – 3

5) Think of something that would make you incredibly happy and fulfilled. Really imagine it happening to you. Can you feel this anywhere specific around your body?

a. No – 1

b. I can feel it a little bit – 2

c. I can feel it intensely – 3


Your score from the quiz will be between 5 and 15. The closer to 5 the less bodywise you’re likely to be. But you can improve your body intelligence with the advice that follows.

If you scored closer to 15, you’re already tuned into your body, but these tips will heighten your intelligence even further!

4 ways you can be more bodywise

Know your numbers

While listening to your body is a fundamental part of being bodywise, there is important information about our bodies we can’t sense like blood pressure or high cholesterol, says Dr Carlton Abrams.

“It’s therefore important to have accurate measured data in these areas so you can then make any changes needed.” At the very least you should know your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose.

Learn to body scan

Sensing, feeling and discerning what your body is trying to tell you is the key point of being bodywise, but you’ll need to practise.

“At least once a week, close your eyes and take inventory. Pay attention to every part of your body from the toes up and ask if there’s a nagging issue you’ve been avoiding and why might it be happening,” says Dr Carlton Abrams. If you find something, think about how to fix it.

Learn to spot true hunger

One cause of weight gain is eating when you’re not hungry – becoming more bodywise can stop this. “For the next three days, when you feel the need to eat ask yourself – am I actually hungry or am I bored, anxious, sad or angry, or just eating from habit?“ says Dr Carlton Abrams.

“If you’re eating for any reason other than hunger, find a better solution.”

Acknowledge emotions

We have a tendency to try and ignore things that make us feel bad, but repressed emotions are linked to health concerns including heart disease and pain. You don’t need to wallow in misery to let them out, though.

“Simply acknowledge the feeling by placing your hand over your heart when you’re sad or upset. Take a deep breath and just be present in what you’re feeling,” says Dr Carlton Abrams.

Follow these simple shifts and find yourself on your way to your healthiest, happiest you.

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