Married at First Sight’s Anthony strikes again: “Sean and Susan will never work”

Looks like MAFS star Anthony has made himself an unofficial relationship expert...
Anthony, Sean, Susan, Married at First Sight

Married at First Sight certainly knows how to deliver the drama on a nightly basis.

And we can rely on trusty ol’ and very outspoken Anthony to be smack bang in the middle of yet another crossfire.

Nadia’s know-it-all hubby decided to it was time to take aim at one of the show’s cutest, most loved-up couple Sean and Susan during the dinner party.

Based on his astute observations, Anthony decided the sweet couple were clearly not right for each other and might as well quit while they’re ahead.

“I identified fairly early on with Sean and Susan that they ‘re both wonderful people individually, but together they don’t work,” he said.

How could anyone question these two!?

The one thing we can trust is that Anthony will always explain himself.

The sly silver-fox had this to say about the happily-married couple (who have a one-way ticket for doomsville).

“Sean’s a horseman, and for anyone that knows horse people they’re a different breed of people.”

“Sean needs a horsewoman, and Suze is not a horsewoman. End of story. Game over.”

Unfortunately, he couldn’t find the words to explain what a horse woman is…

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We’re assuming Anthony hasn’t hit his drama quota for the week just yet.

In Sunday’s upcoming episode, the preview shows him taking aim at his own wife Nadia, slamming her for being too frigid.

“We’ve had problems with intimacy,” he confesses.

“In terms of romance and intimacy with Nadia, she’s not comfortable with certain things.’

Digging himself further, he says, “But from the sounds of it, she’s had guys in the past and she had no issues with them.”

In very romantic move he then confronts Nadia, telling her to her face that she’s just plain frigid.

The look of love?

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